Tag: chile
Chile doubles cherry volume to the U.S. this winter
- General News
Chilean cherry exports to the U.S. have doubled this season, and the Chilean Cherry Committee will continue to run both consumer and retail programs through February to drive awareness and sales.
Chilean fruit exports ahead of last season’s pace
- International
According to the ASOEX, in the current shipping season of 2021-2022, Chile has exported 708,741 tons of fresh fruit, reflecting an increase of 7.85 percent when compared to the same period last year
Vanguard crop update: Chilean nectarine season starts late
- General News
Nectarine season has begun in Chile! The first varieties available are Garcica, White Royal, Magique and Boreal followed later in mid-January with all the Pearl varieties.
ProduceIQ: Week #1 confirms nothing is boring about fresh produce
- Analysis
The adage that "even Vegas is boring to a produce farmer" holds true as the new year begins. Even the shelf-stable 'hardware' items such as carrots, potatoes and onions, are encountering price spikes and significant supply challenges.
Chilean fruit export profits down due to freight increases
- International
The increased cost of ocean freight has led caused lower profit margins for Chilean fruit exporters, according to the Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile and the Agricultural Society of Biobio (Socabio).
ASOEX revises down Chilean cherry export estimate
- International
ASOEX has released a second Chilean cherry export estimate for the 2021-2022 season, now estimating that the volume exported this year will be 72,367,963 boxes, or 361,840 tons
Chile expects massive avocado supply boost this season
- International
According to a USDA report, Chile is set to produce 220,000 tons of avocados in the 2021-22 marketing year, reflecting a 57 percent increase over 140,000 tons during the 2020-21 marketing year.
Chilean table grape exports to grow nearly 30 percent this season
- International
The first 2021-2022 grape export estimate has been presented by the ASOEX Table Grape Committee, based on 38 companies who represent 57.4 percent of the total exported.
Chilean cherry exports to increase by 10%
- International
Chilean cherry exporters project a nearly 10 percent rise this season over last.
USDA projects huge rebound for Chilean grapes in 2021-2022
- International
Chile’s table grape industry should rebound for the 2021/2022 season, with USDA projecting an increase of 22 percent to 805,000 tons.