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Longtime leader of Chilean fruit industry retiring

- General News
The Board of Directors of the Chilean Fruit Exporters Association A.G. (ASOEX) has announced that Mr. Ronald Bown is transitioning to retirement.

Chilean citrus exporters face challenging season

- International
On the verge of the Chilean citrus season, the citrus committee of ASOEX, delivered disappointing estimates of what is expected for this year's exports, noting that the challenges will be much greater than those that have been faced in previous seasons.

Chilean citrus season kicks off with clementines

- General News
Having encountered numerous logistical issues over the past year, the Chilean Citrus Committee learned how to implement flexible programs that can be turned on and off quickly. 

Chilean kiwi exports down from last year

- International
To date, Chile has exported 2,813 tons of kiwifruit, which is well below the 4,882 tons in the same period last year.

Logistical problems affect Chilean fruit exports

- International
About 4,000 Chilean cherry containers did not enter China on time due to logistical delays, according to iQonsulting.

Chilean plum exports to U.S. rebound

- General News
A coordinated effort involving the entire supply chain from Chilean growers, authorities and their U.S counterparts has allowed the Chilean industry to optimize the process of exporting Chilean fresh plums.

Chilean grape production to rise 22% this season

- International
Chilean table grape production is projected to increase by 22 percent, reaching 805,000 tons in 2021/22, according to a USDA GAIN report.

Study finds Chilean avocados water-efficient and sustainable

- General News
Chilean avocados stand out for their “efficient and adequate” sustainability and water usage.

Chile adds new port for fruit shipments to U.S. West Coast

- International
The port of Talcahuano, Chile, saw the first shipment of 9,210 pallets of fresh fruit sail on the Jorgen Reefer last week, which was carried out by its concessionaire (San Vicente Terminal International), marking a milestone that adds a new option for the Chilean national agriculture.

Chilean fruit export volume up in 2021 but value dropped

- International
The Chilean office of Agricultural Studies and Policies (Odepa) released its fruit bulletin for January-December 2021, showing fresh fruit achieved export sales of 2.62 million tons, equivalent to $5.05 billion FOB.