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Chile blueberry growers plan to maintain export volume in 2020-2021

- International
Chilean blueberry growers expect a slightly larger crop and similar export season in 2020-21 as last season.

Strong demand continues for Chilean navel oranges

- General News
U.S. demand for Chilean navel oranges has been robust since the season started, and the market continues to demonstrate great sales momentum as September progresses.

Chilean cherry exports grow but not to the U.S.

- International
Chile’s cherry crop grew 13 percent in the 2019-20 season, and while the U.S. is the No.2 market for exports, it’s a distant second.

Chilean lemons reach peak volume

- General News
Chile has become a key supply source for lemons over the summer months, shipping 55,000 tons to the U.S. market in 2019.

Chile reaches historical cherry export record

- International
Through the setbacks brought on by the pandemic, Chilean cherries reached historical levels during the 2019-2020 campaign, with China being a main consumer.

Chilean kiwifruit exports drop

- International
Chile can point to bad weather for the drop in export volume for kiwifruit, but as one would expect, the global pandemic also contributed.

Chilean citrus exports to increase this season

- General News
The Chilean Citrus industry is forecasting export volume of 347,000 tons across all categories, which represents a 4% increase over 2019.

Chilean blueberries’ demand and prices rise amid pandemic

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Chilean blueberries, which get a boost as a healthy food, have seen strong growth, particularly in Asia, where the pandemic is receding, as reported by Blueberries Consulting.

U.S. and China are top destinations for Chilean table grapes

- International
According to the Association of Chilean Fruit Exporters, the U.S. and China are the top two destinations for Chilean table grapes.

Chilean blueberry exports to U.S. fall, but organic berries gain

- International
According to the latest crop report by the Blueberry Committee of the Association of Fruit Exporters of Chile (ASOEX), blueberry exports reached 109,291 tons during the 2019-2020 season, a 1.5% decrease in comparison to the previous season.