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ProduceIQ: Markets bite into summer

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Significant increases in commodities such as raspberries, celery, and sweet corn are balancing the scale and steadying the index. Even with the continued hemorrhaging of cherry prices, average produce prices are flat over the prior week.

CMI Orchards begins Northwest cherry harvest for larger crop

- General News
CMI Orchards sets the stage for summertime cherries with a fresh crop update, with harvest underway! With recent favorable weather, CMI’s latest reports show a promising cherry season ahead boosting the company’s already stellar varietal selection.

Stemilt advises retailers on promoting larger 2023 Washington cherry crop

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With Washington cherries on the way, Stemilt is expecting much greater volume this year.

ProduceIQ: Domestic cherry season makes a dramatic entrance

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If it weren’t for the beginning of cherry season, overall market prices would likely show a slight dip due to a well-earned post-holiday demand hangover.

River Valley Fruit gets PLU number for its Audra Rose cherry

- General News
River Valley Fruit, a leading apple, cherry and pear grower, packer and shipper is thrilled to announce the introduction of the Audra Rose cherry bag, complemented by its newly assigned PLU number, 3550.

Fruit World kicks off stone fruit season

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Fruit World, a fresh and creative produce company, has embraced a delayed start to stone fruit season, now shipping the ripest early cherry varieties - Hazel and Royal Lynn, with Coral variety soon to follow.

NW cherry crop projected 50% larger than last year

- General News
The Northwest Cherry Growers gathered to discuss the crop prospects for the 2023 cherry crop.

CMI prepares for cherry season with new American Dream CatStats

- General News
CMI presents their newest American Dream CatStats in preparation for the high-velocity sales that come with the upcoming cherry season.

IFG expands cherry window with low-chill cherries

- General News
International Fruit Genetics LLC (IFG), the world’s largest table grape breeder, which boasts over 48 patented table grape varieties and ten patented sweet cherry varieties, is expanding its low-chill cherry program and closing a critical gap that has eluded retailers and cherry lovers for years.

Chilean cherries hit a new export record

- International
The fresh Chilean cherry industry closed the 2022-2023 season with 415,315 tons exported, reflecting a growth of 16.5 percent compared to the previous season.