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Northwest cherry season gets underway

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The harvest of Northwest-grown sweet cherries has begun, which means a new crop of this superfruit will start appearing in produce sections nationwide.

Stemilt expects stronger organic cherry supplies

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Organic cherries are making a comeback for the 2024 crop with an opportunity to promote and boost cherry dollars during key times in the season.

Orchard View Cherries projects strong season with large sizing

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Orchard View Cherries is gearing up for a fruitful season, with an outlook of consistent, large sizing and mature sugars. Exclusively marketed by Oppy, the team eagerly awaits its first pick on June 13.

ProduceIQ: May the weather odds be ever in your favor

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Welcome to hurricane season. Tropical systems will have an easier time developing this year due to higher ocean temperatures in the Atlantic and the arrival of La Niña.

ProduceIQ: Power is out, heat is on

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Here’s the latest on the temperature extremes. A high-pressure ridge is bringing dangerous heat to parts of Florida and Texas. In both states, the heat wave is forecasted to continue through Memorial Day.

Honeybear readies for Washington cherry harvest ahead of schedule

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Thanks to an earlier bloom in Washington state, dark sweets will be in market in early June quickly followed by Rainiers. 

Gee Whiz plans to double cherry volumes this season

- General News
This season also marks the first year the company will be offering program volumes to the domestic market including Early Rainiers, Rainiers, Cristalinas and Black Pearl.

Stemilt urges post-Memorial Day cherry promotions

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Opportunity lies within post Memorial Day timing and now is the time to plan for promotable cherry volumes on the way from California.

Superfresh Growers plans to supply longest and largest NW cherry season

- General News
Superfresh Growers is thrilled to announce the upcoming cherry season, which is anticipated to be the longest and largest in the Pacific Northwest region.

Chilean fresh fruit exports reach record figures at the beginning of 2024

- International
Chilean fresh peach and nectarine exports registered record figures in February, with $72 million and an increase of 18.7 percent over February 2023, according to figures from ProChile