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Chilean Blueberry Committee’s first forecast shows drop from last season

- General News
The Chilean Blueberry Committee, together with the consulting firm iQonsulting, have estimated a volume of 98,228 tons of fresh blueberries from Chile for the 2022-2023 season.

ProduceIQ: Hurricanes disrupt produce markets on both coasts

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Global energy markets are on edge, and any move in the wrong (or right) direction will significantly affect fresh produce markets.

Blueberries are likely to become Peru’s main agro-export product

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According to Fernando Cilloniz Benavides, president of Inform@ccion, so far this campaign, Peru has exported 110,000 tons of fresh blueberries, representing an increase of 38 percent compared to the same period the previous campaign, as reported by Agraria.

Peru rises to world’s third largest blueberry producer

- International
According to the International Blueberry Organization’s (IBO) 2022 Global Blueberry Industry Status Report, global volumes of fresh and processed blueberries are approaching 1.8 million tons with China ranking as the world’s leading producer by volume, followed by the U.S., Peru, Chile, and Mexico. 

IBO releases State of the Blueberry Industry Report

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The International Blueberry Organization (IBO) is pleased to announce that its 2022 Global State of the Blueberry Industry Report is now available, providing the industry with an essential resource available to all.

Blueberries top Mexican agri-food exports so far this season

- International
During the first quarter of this year, blueberries positioned themselves as the most exported agricultural food in Mexico, producing more than 70,000 tons and representing 15 percent of Mexican berry exports.

Peru’s 2021 blueberry exports increase 20% year-over-year

- International
In 2021, worldwide blueberry exports reached $4.76 billion, reflecting an increase of 21 percent compared to the $3.94 billion registered in 2020.

Peruvian grape and blueberry exports to exceed $1 billion

- International
Peruvian agricultural exports are expected to reach $9.7 billion this year, an increase of almost 10 percent when compared to last year, according Agraria, using data from the Association of Agricultural Produces Guilds of Peru (AGAP).

USHBC increases emphasis on data and analytics

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The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) has announced the selection of Bytecode IO as the winning vendor for the Blueberry Industry Production and Pricing Data Collection Program.

ProduceIQ: Markets fall with August doldrums

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August is a notoriously slow month for fresh produce. Heat, the end of summer vacation, and the lack of holidays all contribute to weakened demand.