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Peruvian blueberry exports grow in volume, but fell in value in August

- International
In August 2024, Peru exported 21,621 tons of blueberries for $154.4 million, showing an increase of 4 percent in volume, but a drop of 8 percent in value, compared to what was reported in the same month of the previous year.

Blazer Wilkinson Gee starts import season of Foxy brand blueberries

- General News
Blazer Wilkinson Gee announced the arrival of Foxy brand blueberries to begin arriving on the East Coast at the end of September.

ProduceIQ: Fall harvest and sweater weather is here

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While summer weather lingers in the Southeast, a refreshing cold front delivers crisp mornings to growers across the Plains and the Pacific Northwest.

Peru’s 2024-2025 blueberry exports remain strong despite drop from estimate

- International
In the 2024-2025 campaign, Peruvian fresh blueberry shipments will reach an estimated 294,000 tons, which represents a decrease of 5.3 percent in relation to the estimate made last June (310,317 tons)

Argentina ships first batch of quarantine-treated blueberries to the U.S.

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Argentina’s Senasa certified the first export of blueberries with quarantine treatment at origin, as more than 4,000 kg of fruit left a facility in Concordia, Entre Ríos province, destined for the U.S.

USHBC announces newest class in Blueberry Industry Leadership Program

- General News
The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council (USHBC) today announced the third cohort of fellows accepted into its Blueberry Industry Leadership Program.

Peruvian ag exports to surpass $11.5B by the end of 2024

- International
Peru’s agricultural exports reached $10.545 billion at the end of 2023, and they are projected to exceed $11.5 billion by the end of 2024

GRAPHIC: Blueberry growth in facts in figures

- Analysis
Weather problems in Latin America cut into blueberry volume in the 2022-23 season, but volume is returning this season and is being met with increasing demand.

Peru remains top blueberry exporter despite drop in 2023

- International
In 2023, global blueberry exports reached 748,000 tons, showing a contraction of 12 percent compared to the 850,000 tons registered the previous year, due to climatic phenomena that affected the main producing countries.

California Giant forecasts strong Pacific Northwest blueberry supplies

- General News
California Giant Berry Farms forecasts a bountiful harvest of high-quality conventional and organic blueberries from its Pacific Northwest growing region in the coming months — making for ample availability of everyone’s favorite superfood just in time for National Blueberry Month.