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Chile’s passes peak of blueberry export season

- International
According to information from the Chilean Blueberry Committee (ASOEX), exports decreased during week 5 reaching 5,996 tons, marking the end of Chile’s peak weeks.

USITC determines imported blueberries do not seriously injure U.S. industry

- General News
As a result of today’s vote, the investigation will end, and the Commission will not recommend a remedy to the President.  The Commission will submit its report containing its injury determination and the basis for it to the

Industry groups react to ITC’s blueberry ruling

- General News
In the wake of the U.S. International Trade Commission's ruling on imported blueberries, various industry organizations provided comments in response. 

Why the trade commission ruled in favor of imported blueberries

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Imported and domestic blueberries are complementary, not competitive, according to research.

American Blueberry Growers gain support in ITC case

- General News
A broad coalition of industry groups, elected officials, and state agricultural leaders – including U.S. Sens. Debbie Stabenow and Gary Peters of Michigan – are standing up to defend the interests of American blueberry growers by submitting letters of support for the International Trade Commission's investigation into the serious injury caused by surging imports of foreign blueberries, the American Blueberry Growers Alliance announced today.

Peruvian blueberries exports grew in 2020 with U.S. as top destination

- International
Peruvian blueberries exports grew 22 percent in volume and 2 percent in value in 2020.

Naturipe promotes FeBLUEary with peak organic blueberry season

- General News
Naturipe, the world’s largest producer of fresh blueberries, is excited to announce its celebration of FeBLUEary for the fifth consecutive year.

Giumarra partners with South American blueberry grower

- General News
The Giumarra Companies announces a new partnership with Santiago, Chile-based CarSol Group, a large grower and distributor of blueberries from Chile and Peru.

Blueberry Council launches consumer marketing campaign

- General News
The U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council’s new strategic positioning and call-to-action, Grab a Boost of Blue, officially kicks off this month with a comprehensive marketing campaign and two resource hubs tailored to blueberry industry stakeholders and retailers.

Blueberries from Chile receive heart check certification

- General News
The Chilean Blueberry Committee is excited to announce that Blueberries from Chile are now certified by the American Heart Association’s Heart-Check Food Certification Program.