Tag: blackberries
ProduceIQ: Dual hurricanes threaten growing regions
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While growing regions in the West have battled ferocious heat and drought throughout the summer, it’s the East Coast’s turn to navigate the challenges that come with turbulent weather.
ProduceIQ: Avocado growers prepared to fight in defense
- Analysis
Many nuances exist in avocados. Based on average industry sales for this week #29, avocados have the 2nd highest index weight, 10.4%, only trailing cherries. Both old and new crop face the eminent threat of rainy season in Mexico.
ProduceIQ: Cherry season coronated with royal prices
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Don’t be alarmed. The inclusion of the seasonal cherry harvest explains virtually all the $0.22 increase to the overall industry index this week.
ProduceIQ: Berries ‘rose’ before Valentine’s
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Sweeter fruits are at cyclical highs as Valentine’s Day nears. Though not a direct correlation with brix count, some causality is undeniable.
Blackberry production, exports drop in Michoacan, Mexico
- General News
As the debate continues whether Mexican imports harm U.S. domestic growers, Mexican growers report a significant decline in blackberry production in Michoacan.
Blackberry prices on the rise
- General News
Blackberry prices are rising as the Mexican season gives way to U.S. domestic supplies.
FDA says blackberry hepatitis outbreak is over
- General NewsStatement from the Food and Drug Administration February 19, 2020: The U.S. Food and Drug Administration …
Alpine Fresh, Berry Fresh partner for new blackberry variety
- General NewsA new year begins with a new variety for berry growers at Alpine Fresh, Inc. BB …
FDA, CDC add another retailer to Hepatitis A outbreak tied to blackberries
- General News
While the outbreak is tied to fresh blackberries sold between Sept. 9 and Sept. 30, the CDC and FDA are urging customers to check berries that may have been purchased and frozen for later consumption.
Fresh Thyme responds to latest outbreak update
- General NewsPRESS RELEASE The Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control, in conjunction with …