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ProduceIQ: Markets unfazed by start of hurricane season

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Hurricane Agatha kicked off hurricane season as it battered Southern Mexico, and remnants of the storm drenched South Florida. A solid category 2 storm, Agatha is the strongest May hurricane to make landfall in the Eastern Pacific.

Pepper prices remain high

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Both red and green bell pepper markets remain high as Mexico’s volume winds down and domestic supplies increase.

ProduceIQ: Easter demand encourages high market prices

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Due to supply chain disruptions at the port of good fun, the Easter Bunny is running a bit behind schedule this year. As a result, Easter celebrations will be delayed until April 17th, pushing the holiday right into the path of the train wreck that is Spring transition.

ProduceIQ: Georgia freeze may cause production gap

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We are a week out from the first day of spring, but produce markets are already abuzz with new life. Winter growing regions are slowly winding down, and spring harvests are not quite ready. Over the next month, growing regions will begin their spring migration Northward.

ProduceIQ: High prices pressed downward by higher freight rates

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High FOB prices, coupled with high freight rates, is a puzzling circumstance.

ProduceIQ: Grinch steals Christmas from unsuspecting produce categories

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Finally, the December holiday pull is towing fresh produce prices out of the Thanksgiving rut. High-end produce categories including grapes, berries, avocados, melons, and asparagus are undergoing additional increases. These items have lower supply due to challenged holiday labor availability.

ProduceIQ: Markets suffer rough transitions southward

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Lettuce markets are in abysmal shape after a series of unfortunate events damaged domestic and Mexican supply.

Better data needed for unfair market allegations

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When U.S. growers and advocates say Mexican imports unfairly harm them in the market, decision makers often don’t have an accurate data set to determine if this charge is true.

ProduceIQ: Nervous buyers await hurricane impact

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Although Mexico’s dry Western region needs rain, growers are wary of damage typically caused by a violent storm like Pamela.

ProduceIQ: Anything but business as usual in California

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Demand is outpacing supply in California, and it has nothing to do with any produce commodity the state is known for. Water is in a demand-exceeds-supply situation.