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Okanagan Specialty Fruits opens apple processing plant in Moses Lake, WA

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The heart of Washington State's apple country witnessed a historic moment on September 27 as Okanagan Specialty Fruits, the creators of Arctic apples, unveiled its groundbreaking, state-of-the-art apple processing facility in Moses Lake, Washington.

Giumarra expands Lemonade apple program

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The Giumarra Companies announces its exclusive, domestic Lemonade apple volume will increase to promotable levels this fall.

Superfresh Growers projects strong Autumn Glory apple season

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Yakima, WA's, Superfresh Growers announces exceptionally high quality and abundance for this season's Autumn Glory apple crop.

CMI Orchards to refresh Kiku apple branding

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CMI Orchards will be showcasing its new branding for its KIKU supersweet apple at the Global Produce & Floral Show,

Douglas Fruit, Goose Ridge partnership brings more apple volume to Stemilt

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As long-time committed fruit growers, Goose Ridge will bring new acreage of apples to Douglas Fruit to be packed and marketed under the Stemilt World Famous Fruit brand.

ProduceIQ: Markets stall as rain threaten supplies

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Over the weekend, the slow-moving tropical storm named Ophelia brought heavy rain to the Carolinas and Virginia. The storm delivered flooding and power outages to coastal communities.

Stemilt brings more Kissabel pink- and red-flesh apples

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Stemilt is introducing the Kissabel brand to United States consumers, with marketing initiatives scheduled in partnership with retailers.

Starr Ranch Growers partners with CMI Orchards

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In a thrilling new development four years in the making—Starr Ranch Growers/Oneonta Trading Company, which includes Custom Apple, Diamond Fruit and Apple King—announce an agreement has been reached to join forces with CMI Orchards, delivering more than 8 million cartons to CMI’s manifest.

New crop apples start with prices expected to drop

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The Washington State Tree Fruit Association (WSTFA) predicts the 2023-2024 apple crop will be up as much as 28%, compared to the 2022-2023 season.

Food Lion brings back apple bag promotion for 10th anniversary

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Food Lion Feeds will help provide five meals for the sale of every bag to Feeding America and its partner food banks, up to 1 million meals.