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Mixed forecast for fruits and nuts from USDA

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The price index for fruit and tree nuts was up 9 percent from June 2023 and 11 percent from July 2022, reports USDA’s National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS).

The Produce Reporter Week in Review – January 5, 2024

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Pamela calls in from Bavaria, where she checks out the retail trends in Europe. News slows down around the holidays but Greg says a federal indictment for produce inspection fraud spiced things up.

Groundwater regulation: The ins and outs

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The New York Times article on water conservation in California’s Pajaro Valley, which I discussed in a previous column, is worth more discussion

Produce stars in Best Diet rankings 

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This week, U.S. News & World Report released its 2024 rankings of Best Diets, and fruits and vegetables emerge as the star.

Groundwater issues highlight bigger problems

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The New York Times is no doubt aiming for a Pulitzer with its multi-article series on groundwater use in America.

ProduceIQ: Wake up, sleeping giant

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Although the rest of the world is so over 2023, we have a few more observations from the peanut gallery to digest.

Looking forward and back

- Produce Blueprints
As the start of 2024 races into focus, this is both a season of thanksgiving for what’s been accomplished and a season of hope for what’s to come.

The 2024 forecast for the international fresh produce supply network

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Sometimes the longer you look back, the clearer the future can seem. Several issues seem set to dominate the produce agenda in 2024.

Blinken, AMLO meet on immigration

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“Significant,” “important” progress was made in discussions on immigration between Mexican president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and U.S. secretary of state Antony Blinken yesterday.

When vegetables get caught up in politics

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“There’s only one thing men’s rights activists hate more than women, minorities, and using preferred pronouns, and that’s ingesting anything besides red meat,” writes The Onion. It “asked right-wing men why they refuse to eat vegetables, and this is what they said.”