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Retail banana pricing is…bananas

- Retail
When it comes to bananas, there’s a reason we use the word interchangeably with descriptions for insanity. It is nearly impossible to make sense of how this all continues to operate the way it does.  

U.S. banana average price up amid COVID-19

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Overall retail pricing for bananas in the U.S. has increased 2 cents per pound in 2020 compared to the year before, but that doesn’t tell the story of wild swings from week-to-week and from region to region.

Plums peak with higher volumes, steady prices

- General News
As the domestic plum season hits its peak in Mid-July, retail volume is up with dollars flat. The latest retail scan data from IRI Worldwide shows plum volume up 14% in the week ending July 12, with dollars flat, up slightly at 0.7%.

Steep drop in price as cauliflower demand slows

- General News
Retail cauliflower sales have slowed compared to early in the pandemic, though sales continue to post double-digit year-over-year growth.

Celery supply returns to normal

- General News
Celery buyers should continue to see normal conditions, as volume remains above last year’s, and prices have been steady since the start of summer.

Steady onion market welcomes new crop

- General News
Onions continue to prove resilient as buyers start to see more volume from the 2020-21 season.

Citrus exporters find hot U.S. market

- General News
Citrus exporters to the U.S. are finding a hot market this summer as retail demand has been explosive during the pandemic.

Watermelons see steady summer market

- General News
Having passed the Independence Day holiday, watermelon buyers should find plenty of local supply options.

Volume, prices both up for carrots

- General News
The national carrot market shows higher volume and pricing than the previous two years. While those two things don’t usually go hand-in-hand, two factors may be leading unusual strength to the market.

Pepper demand remains elevated

- General News
Bell pepper prices are significantly higher than last year as the crop transitions from Mexico and desert areas to Central California.