Tag: agtools
GRAPHIC: A look at rising demand for asparagus
- Analysis
Asparagus volume in the U.S. rose 25 percent from 2020 to 2021, with nearly two-thirds coming from Mexico and almost one-third from Peru.
Russian produce imports: A snapshot
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Lots of nations these days have stopped buying from and selling to Russia, including the U.S.
GRAPHIC: A look inside blueberries’ rising popularity
- Analysis
Thanks to ever-growing consumer demand, both domestic and exporting growers continue to devote more acreage to blueberries for the fresh market.
GRAPHIC: U.S. mango imports rebound in Q4 from pandemic slump
- Analysis
The following graphic was produced by Agtools Inc., to give perspective on mango volume and price trends for the end of 2021.
GRAPHIC: Broccoli prices rise before weather problems
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Broccoli volume was up from Mexico and California in the fourth quarter of 2021, but that didn't cause prices to fall.
California may miss out on rising strawberry demand
- General News
Rain is expected to keep down California strawberry supplies as new year demand for the fruit begins its annual pull.
GRAPHIC: Plum tomato volume rises on strong demand
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Tomato sales have been strong the past several years, and the plum variety leads the way. Annual volume has grown by one-third in the last year alone to make it the most popular variety in the category in the U.S.
GRAPHIC: High volatility in Eggplant market
- Analysis
Eggplant volume has been lower this fall than previous years, which is causing higher price fluctuations both at wholesale and retail levels.
Volatile California weather upsets lettuce market
- Analysis
Agtools Inc. tracked shipping and retail price of Iceberg lettuce over the last three years, 2019-2021 to see what patterns were taking place.
GRAPHIC: U.S. citrus volume drops in 2021
- Analysis
The following graphic was produced by Agtools Inc., showing that this higher demand has been met with lower volume from the U.S.’s largest fresh citrus producing state, California. Florida’s volume is also down in 2021.