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Orange prices show steady rise

- General News
Orange prices keep rising this spring as retail demand remains strong. The latest IRI scan data shows oranges at 79 percent higher year-over-year dollar growth and 80 percent on volume growth.

Orange prices see steady rise

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Domestic pear volumes are lower than last year, but steady, and that has lead to steady F.O.B. and retail pricing.

Potato market shows clear pandemic effect

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No produce item shows this pandemic effect as clearly as potatoes, whose average F.O.B. price has been about half of what it was in early March, as demand has been significantly damaged by restaurant, school and institution closures.

Green bean volume to show seasonal rise

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Green bean volumes had lagged behind the past few seasons, but May is seeing greater supplies and an accompanying drop in F.O.B. prices.

Cucumber market sees price surge, then normalcy

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The cucumber market in 2020 looks very similar to the past two years. It saw a price surge about the time stay-at-home orders began in mid-March, and then prices quickly dropped to a normal level.

Domestic peach volume filling the pipeline

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Domestic peach season is just starting, and it’s largely headed to a retail market that shows signs of slowing down.

Bell pepper prices should drop as U.S. supplies rise

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The bell pepper market remains elevated as Mexican supplies leave the market and U.S. production kicks into full gear.

Strong summer supplies for watermelons

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With the unofficial start of summer this weekend, the unofficial fruit of summer already has good supplies with the domestic season just getting going.

Artichoke market hums along

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Aside from a mid-March blip in the market, artichokes have enjoyed a routine spring with strong supplies and steady demand.

Pandemic clobbers pineapple market

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Total volume of pineapple for 2020 has dropped 50 percent from mid-February to mid-May compared to 2019.