Dragon Fruit Market Summary

Image: sakonlawat saelee/Shutterstock.com
Dragon Fruit Market Overview
Dragon fruit is a fruit of many names, known as pitaya and pitahaya depending on genus, as well as strawberry pear and even night blooming cereus. It is also called thang loy in Thailand, pitahayah if hailing from Israel, and paniniokapunahou in Hawaii. Despite this contemporary global spread, dragon fruit is native to Mexico, Central America, and South America and was introduced to Asia via Vietnam by the French in the early 1800s. In the United States, dragon fruit continues to gain popularity, which is spurring expansion in commercial production. A number of dragon fruit species are grown around the world, from Asia and the Middle East to Central and South America. Vietnam is Asia’s top producer, primarily growing fruit with bright pink skin and white flesh; other Asian countries cultivating the fruit include Malaysia, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand. Nicaragua and Ecuador both grow significant amounts of a pink-skinned dragon fruit species with deep to light pink flesh. Ecuador also grows a yellow skinned variety with white flesh, which is also cultivated in Colombia. Mexico, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Guatemala are also seasonal producers. Other countries that grow pitaya for domestic consumption and export include Australia and Israel. Dragon fruit is often consumed fresh, much like a kiwi, and the plant’s small flower is edible when cooked. Rich in protein, fiber, iron, and antioxidants, it is a popular ingredient in fruit bars, jellies, juice, yogurt, and smoothies. Red varieties can also be used as a natural dye or colorant.
Types & Varieties of Dragon Fruit
While dragon fruit is a cousin of the cactus pear, the two fruits exhibit key differences: first, pitaya seeds are edible, much like kiwifruit; second, the fruit does not typically have spines, instead possessing various colored protective shoots that surround the baseball-sized fruit. The fresh of dragon fruit can vary from white (with pink or yellow skin) to hot pink or deep red with tiny black seeds. Flavor is associated with the color of the flesh: whitish dragon fruit often has a mild taste while darker, redder fresh can be sweeter and juicier. As a relatively new entrant to the U.S. tropical fruit landscape, there is still uncertainty about which varieties are optimal for growing domestically. As a result, there is ongoing research into numerous varietals with colorful names for the expanding U.S. market. Among the candidates are American Beauty, Armando, Bien Hoa Red, Bien Hoa White, Cebra, Colombiana, Delight, Haley’s Comet, Mexicana, Orejona, Physical Gra?ti, Rosa, San Ignacio, Seoul Kitchen, Valdivia Roja, Vietnamese Giant, and Yellow Dragon.
The Cultivation of Dragon Fruit
Growing well in tropical lowlands, the perennial dragon fruit is a type of climbing cactus plant that can live as long as two decades. The semi-spiny plant can have long, fleshy, triangular stem segments that should be pruned regularly. Commercial orchards need a trellising system to support the plant’s vertical growth and aerial roots. Pitaya fruits within one year, during the summer months and into the fall (June to October). It can be harvested 30 to 50 days after fruit set. As a night bloomer, the plant has yellowish-green fragrant flowers that open early in the evening and wilt by daybreak due to light and temperature. Moths and bats can both pollinate the flowers, but hand pollination is sometimes necessary due to cultivar. Plants prefer a moist, warm climate and rich soil, and are desirable for their drought tolerance, often needing only 25 to 50 inches of water per year. Uneven soil moisture, however, can lead to less flowering or fruit splitting, while excessive rain can result in flower drop and fruit rot. Plants prefer ample sunlight, though too much sun can damage stems if combined with low humidity or inadequate moisture in the soil. Not enough sun can lead to lower quality fruit and reduced production. Falling temperatures are dangerous too, as plants are sensitive to cold, but can recover from brief exposure to freezing temperatures. While most dragon fruit is harvested between June and October, the season can be extended by supplemental light from incandescent bulbs in some regions. Added light induces the plant to keep flowering. Depending on variety, it is best to hand-clip fruit at harvest when well-colored from yellow or pink to red.