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Set-offs and good faith

- Trading Assistance
Can I withhold payment on an unrelated invoice to recoup losses on a shipment?

Trading Tip: Assessing Damages

- Trading Assistance
Following a breach of contract the injured party is entitled to be made whole. 

Recourse after a buyer bows out

- Trading Assistance
You should see in this case that for delivered sales, untimely delivery may be grounds for rejection.

Trading Tip – Damages & Amount Due

- Trading Assistance
The produce industry has its fair share of terms with more than one meaning. 

Negotiating a rejection

- Trading Assistance
What if the seller, after receiving notice, wants to take the product back and the buyer wants to accommodate the seller’s request?

Revisiting the basics: A Rejection

- Trading Assistance
A buyer rejecting a shipment of produce to a seller should ensure the rejection is both procedurally effective and substantively rightful.

Revisiting the basics: Accept or reject

- Trading Assistance
When a produce buyer is tendered a shipment of produce that allegedly fails to comply with the sales agreement, the buyer must decide whether to accept or reject the shipment to the seller.

Transit Temps – Reconciling Recorders

- Trading Assistance
What happens when temperature recorders in the same truck show different readings? Don't assume one is wrong.

Trading Tip: Interpreting USDA Inspection Certificates

- Trading Assistance
The words, “Fails to grade U.S. #1 account condition,” on a USDA inspection certificate sound awfully conclusive.

Rejections and freight: Who pays?

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Who pays the freight bill following a rejection to an f.o.b. seller?