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Cybersecurity: Ransom attacks

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The second and third paths of cybercrime attacks noted by Greg Gatzke, president of ZAG Technical Services, involve ransomware—one by encryption and the other through the release of confidential information.

Make cybersecurity personal

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While much has been written about this highly charged matter of cybersecurity, our feature attempts to bring clarity to the issues that make punching keys on a computer so important.

Cybersecurity: Avoid financial fraud

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Risks of fraud lurk around businesses of all types and sizes, according to Greg Gatzke, president of ZAG Technical Services, Inc., a San Jose, CA-based IT consulting firm and managed services provider.

Dock to Dock: Wrongful rejections

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The Solution: Gather all available information, communicate, and act in good faith.

Cybersecurity: Produce companies must protect data as they protect food

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Data breaches no longer are so far flung and rare that they only happen to somebody else.

The difference between buyers and merchants

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Two terms that get used interchangeably in the industry are buyers and merchants. Sam Walton was the gold standard when it comes to merchants. In fact, at one time, a prevalent expression applied to everyone at Walmart was “We are merchants first.”

Vertical Farming: Filling an urgent need

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This industry segment is all very promising, but how far can vertical farming go?

Vertical Farming: Feeding evolving demand

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Another recent addition to the vertical farming scene is 80 Acres Farms, a Hamilton, OH-based operation started in 2015 by current CEO Mike Zelkind and business partner Tisha Livingston.

Vertical Farming: Growing in small spaces

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Charleston SC-based Vertical Roots is a company with a novel approach to vertical farming.

Vertical Farming: Crops in motion

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Focusing squarely on the technological solutions side, Canadian firm CubicFarm Systems Corporation, from Langley, BC, takes a different approach to the vertical farming concept.