Think this is just one more book to gather dust on the shelf? We find most volumes never make it there, our Members typically keep the current volume well within reach.
Using Blue Book Services' comprehensive produce, transportation and supply/service listings, Members benefit from their ability to identify profitable connections and make informed decisions based on the data we supply. Listings include:
- a company's contact information
- credit worth estimate
- trade practices “X” rating
- pay description (where applicable)
The information found within our Blue Book helps you to evaluate current or potential connections by providing convenient listing and rating information on businesses in the U.S., Canada and Mexico. The book acts as the perfect counterpart to Blue Book Online Services (BBOS) and BBOS Mobile.
In addition, the following helpful content is included in your Blue Book:
- Your Membership Guide
- Listings for the Defense Supply Center Offices
- Listings for the Market News Service Offices
- Listings for the Canadian Regulatory & Inspection Offices
- Listings for U.S. government agencies providing industry-related services