Philadelphia — PhilaPort is excited to share our vision for the Port’s future anticipated capital need. This vision identifies over $3.5 billion in capital investments needed to ensure PhilaPort’s continued growth and competitiveness amongst our neighboring East Coast ports. PhilaPort is one of the fastest growing container ports in the U.S.
The vision includes a myriad of port improvements spanning across an expansive footprint that is The Port of Philadelphia – from Packer Avenue Marine Terminal, in South Philadelphia, to the Tioga Marine Terminal, the Port’s northernmost terminal.
Please join us as we look ahead to the future of The Port of Philadelphia:
PhilaPort, The Port of Philadelphia, is an independent agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania charged with the management, maintenance, marketing and promotion of publicly-owned port facilities along the Delaware River in Philadelphia, as well as strategic planning throughout the port district. PhilaPort works with its terminal operators to modernize, expand and improve its facilities, and to market those facilities to prospective port users. Port cargoes and the activities they generate are responsible for thousands of direct and indirect jobs in the Philadelphia area and throughout Pennsylvania.