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Del Monte sends cure for the Sad Desk Lunch

produce with pamela

I came across these new Better Break bowls by Del Monte BB #:111187 at the Southeast Produce Council’s Southern Innovations show in Nashville a few weeks ago and was thrilled to give them a try.

They retail for around $3.99 and come in three flavors:

  • Spicy Pomodoro;
  • Zesty Green Chile; and
  • Summer Corn.

You see, although I’m well-versed in the work at home lifestyle, and have my full kitchen at my disposal nearly every day, I still suffer from Sad Desk Lunch. I often scrounge leftovers or eat quesadillas and random heads of romaine lettuce.

The thing about the Better Break bowl is that it makes me think about how consumer attitudes toward this “better for you” substitution have changed over the past five or six years. It used to be that these swaps were seen as a sacrifice. Now they’re a feature, they’re sought-after.

If the hype is to be believed, people are all over imposter meats, though their “better for you” status is hotly debated. 

So, what do I think of the three new flavors from Del Monte?

You’ll have to watch.


Pamela Riemenschneider is the Retail Editor for Blue Book Services.