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Overwaitea Food Group changes name to Save-On-Foods

save-on foods

To our Vendors and Suppliers:

Save-On-Foods BB #:153831 continues to be one of the most respected and trusted brand names in Western Canada. As a continuation of our rebranding, on July 12, 2018 the legal name of our operating entity changed from “Overwaitea Food Group Limited Partnership” to “Save-On-Foods Limited Partnership”.

This was a name change only, and there will be no change to our business numbers or banking details. Our ownership and business structure remains the same. All business and account arrangements should continue seamlessly.

We will require you to amend your records to reflect our new name, and any future documentation you prepare should be in the name “Save-On-Foods Limited Partnership”.

Contact us for our partnership registration showing our continuous registration since June, 2004 and the change of our name on July 12, 2018.

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Yours truly,

