Blue Book Services, Inc. has been the conduit for trading information for the fresh fruit and vegetable industry since the turn of the twentieth century. We are proud of our relationship with the produce industry and those who serve it.
Our purpose has always been to provide the industry with the best resources possible to enable success. Our Rating Department spearheads this mission as we strive to be timely, reliable, and accurate, and to be the most trusted source of credit and trading information.
As everyone is aware, the produce industry comes in all shapes and sizes, but one commonality is the necessity for information. Like all other industries, we crave information—the noisier the better. For anything and everything, we develop our own filters. Why? Because if it helps with decision making and offers foresight.
In this series, we will summarize what Blue Book Services has seen over the years, from significant business events and trend data to overall performance based on industry-reported data. Last year’s data is as of September 30, 2018, and all data reflected may be inclusive of small fractional errors as a result of reporting and data compilation.
Blue Book Services does not express an opinion on any of the data displayed nor is the data intended to suggest future events and outcomes. A general understanding of these metrics will allow readers to understand what has been going on around them. Some of it will be noise, some of it will be interesting, and some of it may help with decision making.
This is an excerpt from the most recent Produce Blueprints quarterly journal. Click here to read the full article.