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Guatemalan melon exports to U.S. hit record in 2023

melons stock

Guatemala was the largest exporter of melons to the United States in 2023, with a record $280 million, as reported by Opportimes.

Headshot of Marco Campos, Produce Blue Book's media coordinator for Latin America.

U.S. melon imports from around the world grew 7 percent in 2021 and 8 percent in 2022 and then hit a record by increasing 37 percent in 2023, to $512 million.

Because of the pandemic, these foreign purchases fell at a year-on-year rate of 17 percent in 2020.

Foreign suppliers of melons to the U.S. were led by Guatemala with $280 million (+42 percent), followed by Mexico $117 million (+37 percent), Honduras $100 million (+33 percent), Costa Rica $11 million (-12 percent).


Marco Campos is Media Coordinator, Latin America for Blue Book Services