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Iceberg lettuce prices rising, while romaine eases

lettuce field irrigation

Markon Cooperative BB #:123315 released this green leaf, iceberg, and romaine lettuce crop update May 30, 2024:

Iceberg markets are approaching extremely elevated levels. Green leaf and romaine prices are easing.


  • Markon First Crop (MFC) Premium Iceberg Lettuce is limited; Markon Best Available (MBA) is being substituted as needed due to low weights
  • Demand far exceeds supply as industry availability continues to tighten
  • Low field weights and uneven head size were caused by inconsistent weather and planting gaps following spring rains
  • Additionally, production has been challenged in Central Mexico due to elevated temperatures, shifting demand to California
  • Expect persistently high markets for the next two weeks

Green Leaf and Romaine

  • MFC Premium Green Leaf and Romaine Lettuces are available
  • Quality is very good; insect pressure and wind damage are being reported in some lots
  • Green leaf markets prices are approaching the bottom
  • Romaine prices are expected to continue falling into June

Please contact your Markon customer service representative for more information.
