HOUSTON (February 8, 2024) – Brighter Bites, a national nonprofit that delivers fresh fruits and vegetables directly into families’ hands, has been named a National Strategic Partner of MyPlate.gov.

Through this partnership, Brighter Bites joins a large variety of organizations and companies to elevate USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans and MyPlate’s mission to encourage healthier eating habits and choices. MyPlate strategic partners include a variety of national organizations such as food retailers, restaurant chains, media outlets, healthcare corporations, food manufacturers, and more.
“We are proud to be a partner of an organization that not only matches our mission but also reaches so many families and individuals nationwide with an approachable guide to healthy eating,” said Rich Dachman, CEO of Brighter Bites. “As we continue to grow our program and reach more families nationwide, we are honored to be surrounded by so many other companies with similar goals. What an exciting and impactful group to join!”
MyPlate’s recipe for healthier eating starts with taking a look at how consumers fill their plates. Focusing on whole, fresh foods, varying the type of protein and vegetables consumed, and switching to more low-fat or fat-free dairy products can make a large difference in consumer’s health. Furthermore, the MyPlate website provides important information on why food choices matter as well as resources to help make small choices that greatly benefit the overall wellbeing of an individual.
“We look forward to promoting MyPlate’s nutritional messaging alongside our content to continue showing people how beneficial it is to choose the food you consume wisely and purposefully to support a healthy lifestyle,” said Dachman.
To learn more about MyPlate and how the organization is making every bite count, visit myplate.gov, and to learn more about Brighter Bites, brighterbites.org, or follow the organization on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, or YouTube.