From January to March 12, 2023, Peru exported 35,200 tons of avocado, reflecting an increase of 53 percent compared to the 23,000 tons shipped in the same period the previous year.

According to Agraria, Fernando Cilloniz, president of Inform@ccion, explained that in January 2023, 4,579,740 kilos of avocado were shipped; in February there were 16,709,373 kilos; while in March (through the 12th) 14,038,542 kilos were shipped.
“This is the best January, February and March so far in history, since more fruit has been sent than in any other year, which means that the offer of avocado from the mountains, which is earlier, has been greater than in previous years,” he said.
From January to March 12, 2023, the prices of the Peruvian avocado in the international market were higher than those registered the previous year, so he predicts that the possibilities of the avocados from the mountains are great.
From the second half of March, the supply of avocado leaves the coast (starting with Nazca and some northern areas), so the volumes to be exported will be more dynamic until September, when the Peruvian campaign ends.