The 2022/23 table grape season has just begun, and shipments are already above projected estimates, Inform@ccion president Fernando Cilloniz Benavidez told Agraria.
So far, the volumes of table grapes shipped by Peru show an increase of 24 percent compared to the same period last season.

“I didn’t think that so much would be exported at the beginning of this table grape campaign, and although the season is decided in the months of December and January (when the peak is recorded), then it starts with such a force, it means that the campaign will be strong,” Cilloniz said.
All table grape export projections announced a growth of 10 percent for the 2022/23 campaign, however Cilloniz believes that the growth is going to approach a 20 percent increase in volume.
“We are moving away from traditional grape varieties such as Crimson, Flame, Red globe, Sugraone, which yield between 2,500 to 3,000 boxes per hectare for export, and we are moving towards proprietary varieties that yield between 4,000 to 5,000 boxes per hectare for export,” Cilloniz said.
According to the Association of Table Grape Producers of Peru (Provid), in the 2021/22 campaign, Peru exported 531,750 tons of table grapes, and for the 2022/23 campaign it is expected to exceed 580,000 tons, reflecting a growth of 10 percent.