This year, the Center for Produce Safety BB #:339618 is participating in Giving Tuesday.
Giving Tuesday is a global day of giving back. On Tuesday, November 29th, you will have the chance to help CPS cultivate the next generation of produce safety science talent!
CPS has developed a reputation for bringing together today’s diverse stakeholders to work toward the goal of enhancing fresh produce food safety. At the same time, we are also working to cultivate the next generation of science talent, for tomorrow’s community.
H-E-B’s Tammi Frederick spoke about the importance of developing science talent at the university level to a CPS audience.
“Having the technical science degree is a point of entry,” says Frederick. “But we also need talent who can work with people, influence people, as well as impact and drive results. It takes a combination of the technical skills along with the soft skills to be successful in these roles.”
CPS’s vision for developing produce safety science talent: The scientists who choose research careers are better prepared to design effective research, and to transfer learnings from the laboratory to industry. Those who come to work in the industry can more effectively communicate produce safety science to their business teams, lead their companies through challenging situations, and ultimately influence change.
Here are some ways you can help on November 29:
• Sponsor a university science student’s registration to attend the 2023 CPS Research Symposium
• Sponsor a student assisting one of our researchers to participate in the CPS Professional Development Program
• Support the continuing professional development of promising Master of Science students by having them conduct needed produce food safety research in an industry setting

Mark your calendars, spread the word, and stay tuned for more details on how You can help CPS develop tomorrow’s produce safety talent!