High prices persist for leaf, iceberg and romaine lettuce markets in early November, but volume is ramping up in desert growing regions.
In a crop update this week, Markon Cooperative {{BB #:123315}} says rain in Huron, Oxnard, Salinas, and Santa Maria, CA, on November 7-8 has further tightened the remaining supply.

“Suppliers of all three commodities have not been able to fulfill 100 percent of their weekly contract commitments or regular open-market business over the past six weeks,” Markon said, which has led to record prices.

“Production in Oxnard, Salinas and Santa Maria, California will continue through next week. Huron production is anticipated to finish this week;
Quality challenges including bottom rot, mildew pressure, premature pinking, and shortened shelf life may be observed in finished packs following the recent rain events;
Many suppliers started harvest in the desert regions of Yuma, Arizona and Imperial Valley, California this week; production will continue to ramp up over the next two weeks;
Initial quality in the Arizona/California desert regions is very good; light weights, seeder, and wind damage are present in some of the first lots;
Expect markets to remain firm through the end of this week; markets will begin to soften next week as supplies in the Arizona/California desert increase.”