SiCar Farms BB #:188735 is well known for their excellence in quality and customer service around the world. SiCar Farms thankfully reports that they recently acquired four thousand acres and are building a state-of-the-art packing house facility in the southeast region of Mexico.
With this addition, now the (Gudino Ochoa) GO Group has secured land in all the main production zones of Mexico. This investment will result in meeting consumer demand year-round and specifically during the winter season.
Sicar Farms and GO Group maintains their full commitment of the highest quality standards on social and environmental responsibility. In this project, 40% of the land purchased will be preserved as a natural preservation area.
Daniel Gudino, CEO of SiCar Farms/Mexico, manages operations and production of all the major growing regions states, “Greater control of growing, logistics and the cold chain enables us to yield quality assurance and uphold long-term relationships and demand of our customers.” Daniel Gudino adds “We have greater controls within the supply chain that guarantees customers’ satisfaction.”

Luis Gudino, CEO of SiCar Farms/U.S. states, “We have consistently been focused on innovation, diversification, and sustainability. SiCar Farms, we are the growers, packers and distributors and we have the proficiency to deliver the highest quality product with the highest quality standards.”
Sicar Farms consistently creates with excellence streamlined logistics solutions that deliver freshness to their customers year-round.
“With this new packing house in the Yucatan area, we will be able to process over 120 tons a day of our main commodity which is Persian limes. This new acquisition at SiCar Farms, we’ll strengthen our supply chain and packing capacity,” adds Luis Gudino.
Citrojugo, is part of the Oil and Juice Division of GO Group that is managed by Sigifredo Gudino, CEO is also growing. Sigifredo Gudino says, “We have increased our production capacity by 35% with some recent technology advances in our production lines. We will start trials with some other citrus fruits like grapefruit, tangerine, and orange by the end of this year. This empowers us to increase our portfolio in the Juices and Oil Division”.

SiCar Farms will be at the International Fresh Produce Association’s BB #:378962 Global Produce & Floral Show in Orlando, Florida, October 27-29th. SiCar Fresh will be exhibiting within the Mexican Pavilion at Booth 1351. Luis Gudino adds “Our team will be available to talk with buyers’ about our fresh products and processed juices, product lines, year-round availability, as well as creating opportunities and programs of partnering to supply North American consumers with world class quality.”
For more information about Sicar Farms, please see their website: