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California Table Grape Commission hires director of trade policy

jodi devaurs – grapes

PRESS RELEASE Fresno, CA – Jodi Devaurs is the new director of trade policy for the California Table Grape Commission BB #:153597.

Devaurs’ responsibilities include market access, technical issues, and general trade policy matters for the commission.

“Managing technical issues to help growers and shippers move California grapes to market is a key function of the commission, and Jodi’s experience with government affairs and regulatory issues will be an asset for the industry,” said Kathleen Nave, president of the commission. “We are very excited to have Jodi join the team.”

Devaurs joins the commission from the California Cotton Ginners & Growers Association and the Western Agricultural Processors Association where she served as Director of Regulatory Affairs.

Jodi worked on regulatory and legislative issues including air and water quality, pesticides, and food safety, and she worked with the USDA Agricultural Marketing Service on technical issues.

Devaurs is a central valley native, born and raised in Clovis. She is a graduate of Fresno State with a bachelor of science in agricultural education—communications.

Contact: Jeff Cardinale
