BB #: 378962 International Fresh Produce Association

Sunday truck processing suspended at some Mexico border crossings


With President Trump threatening to halt all border crossings within a week, businesses in Nogales, AZ, reportedly received notice Sunday crossings at the Mariposa Port of Entry are suspended for an undetermined amount of time.

KOLD News reported on March 29 that businesses in Nogales received notice from Customs and Border Protection that “serves as notice that March 31, 2019 will be the last day of Sunday service at the Mariposa Commercial Facility,” the letter went on to say that the ports are “realigning their workforce and limiting or discontinuing some services,” and will “strive to restore services as soon as operationally possible.”

BB #: 162361 Texas International Produce Association

Customs and Border Protection issued a statement regarding temporary re-assignment of CBP officers due to “the unprecedented humanitarian and border security crisis on the Southwest border.”

Commissioner Kevin McAleenan held a press conference in El Paso on March 27 warning of slower traffic for commerce at the border because of the officer reassignments.

“There will be impacts to traffic at the border,” McAleenan said, during the conference. “There will be a slowdown of processing of trade.”


Pamela Riemenschneider is the Retail Editor for Blue Book Services.

BB #: 157162 The Foundation for Fresh Produce