The Produce for Better Health Foundation will partner with at least five national retail chains this year for month-long pairing promotions.
Called Powerful Produce Pairings, PBH laid out its plans and request for sponsors in a Feb. 5 webinar.
Annette Maggi, registered dietitian and director of retail accounts for PBH, said the program pairs produce items with a food from a different category in a month-long, omni-channel promotion.
“Most consumers don’t eat food in isolation,” she said. “This pairs produce with other nutrient-dense foods in other food groups.”
She said the goal is to increase produce sales and product awareness and trial.
PBH conducted three pairing pilot programs in 2018 with Jewel Osco, Schnuck’s and Coborn’s chains. Each had a theme, paired a produce item with another food and saw sales increases.
The Osco one, for example, paired walnuts with Stemilt apples, for a sliced apple with Greek yogurt walnut caramel dip. It used in-store display promotion, a display contest, store dietitian promotion and social media. The pilot saw sales lift of 100-160 percent over the course of a week.
Maggi said PBH has agreed to programs this year with retailers Coborn’s, Fresh Thyme, Hy-Vee, Schnuck’s and Spartan Nash, and it could have more.
Produce companies may contact PBH to participate, which come with PBH as a third party endorsement during the month of promotion.